Make Money with Petro Pay

Are you serious about growing your business?
Petro Pay offers affiliate relationships with companies nationwide, allowing you the opportunity to offer your customers a wide variety of industry-leading payment solutions. Partnering with us adds value for your customers, strengthens your relationships with them and expands your business. Read More

Non-For-Profit Organizations

Your Non-for-Profit Organization has businesses who already try to support your cause within its means. By working with Petro Pay, the business can contribute additional funds without it actually increasing the business owner's monthly expense.

Every business that accepts credit cards pays monthly rates and fees to a credit card processor for their service. Currently, the business owner has no control over how those fees are used. By partnering with Petro Pay, the business owner can designate which non-profit organization they want to receive the proceeds of those monthly fees. The business continues to conduct transactions in the same manner they have always done but now a portion of every sale that goes through the credit card terminal is given to the specified non-profit organization.

Our sister-company, Process Pink Payments, LLC (Process Pink) is a prime example of the success of this program. The Company works with its merchants to give back to the National Breast Cancer Foundation, Inc. When a consumer makes a credit card purchase at a Process Pink participating merchant, a portion of transactions is donated to the National Breast Cancer Foundation.

Contact your Relationship Manager for more information.